Il 26 e il 27 ottobre 2013, si svolgerà la prima edizione di ATELIER FLORENTIA.
Si tratta di un Temporary Shop dedicato alla moda e alla bellezza, una piacevole occasione per regalarsi capi e accessori esclusivi e originali.
Le ideatrici e organizzatrici dell'evento sono Cristina Ferro, Consulente d'Immagine e Personal Shopper, e Franca Basosi, Make up Artist e Consulente Cosmetica.
L'evento deve la sua esclusività e originalità alla presenza di designer, stilisti e artigiani indipendenti tutti fautori del Made in Italy, che proporranno una selezione di capi d'abbigliamento donna, accessori, gioielli e bijoux e una piccola selezione Uomo e Bimbo;
Potrete inoltre avvalervi della consulenza di professionisti capaci di guidarvi e consigliarvi sulla scelta dei capi e il make up perfetti per voi e in più vi regaleranno tanti consigli di stile e di beauty.
Inoltre all'interno dell'evento si terranno dei workshop molto interessanti come quello presentato dalla giornalista e blogger di THE GLOSSY MAG, Francesca Succi dal titolo: Fashion Blog o non Fashion Blog? il dubbio amletico 2.0 per aziende e amanti del web.
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L'appuntamento da non perdere è il 26 e 27 ottobre 2013 a Firenze, in Lungarno Cellini, 25.
Ingresso gratuito dalle 10:00 alle 20:00.
On 26 and 27 october 2013, it will take place the first edition of ATELIER FLORENTIA.
It is a Temporary Shop dedicated to fashion and beauty, a pleasant opportunity to give yourself distinctive and original clothing and accesories.
The creators and organizers of the event are Cristina Ferro, Image Consultant and Personal Shopper, and Franca Basosi, Make up Artist and Cosmetics Consultant.
The event owes its exclusivity and originality to the presence of indipendents designers, stylists and hand-crafted, all Made in Italy supporters, which they will offer you a selection of women's clothes, accessories, jewelry and a small selection Man and kids.
There will be also advices from professionals experts who can guide and advice you about the right clothes and make-up suit for you and so many tips about style and beauty.
Addiotionally inside the event it will be held very interesting workshopsas the one presentes by journalist and blogger of THE GLOSSY MAG , Francesca Succi entitled: Fashion Blog or not Fashion Blog? The amlet question 2.0 for companies and web lovers.
The occasion not to be missed is on 26 and 27 october 2013 in Florence, Lungarno Cellini, 25.
Free entrance from 10:00 to 20:00.
On 26 and 27 october 2013, it will take place the first edition of ATELIER FLORENTIA.
It is a Temporary Shop dedicated to fashion and beauty, a pleasant opportunity to give yourself distinctive and original clothing and accesories.
The creators and organizers of the event are Cristina Ferro, Image Consultant and Personal Shopper, and Franca Basosi, Make up Artist and Cosmetics Consultant.
The event owes its exclusivity and originality to the presence of indipendents designers, stylists and hand-crafted, all Made in Italy supporters, which they will offer you a selection of women's clothes, accessories, jewelry and a small selection Man and kids.
There will be also advices from professionals experts who can guide and advice you about the right clothes and make-up suit for you and so many tips about style and beauty.
Addiotionally inside the event it will be held very interesting workshopsas the one presentes by journalist and blogger of THE GLOSSY MAG , Francesca Succi entitled: Fashion Blog or not Fashion Blog? The amlet question 2.0 for companies and web lovers.
The occasion not to be missed is on 26 and 27 october 2013 in Florence, Lungarno Cellini, 25.
Free entrance from 10:00 to 20:00.